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Information on Tubal Reversal

About 10% of the women who choose the tubal ligation procedure later regret their decision, and many opt for a surgical procedure to reattach the tubes so that a pregnancy may be possible.

The younger a woman is when she chooses tubal ligation, the more likely she is to change her mind and want to have the procedure reversed.

Tubal Reversal is a micro-surgical process that is 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of a single In Vitro Fertilization.

Tubal Reversal Pages is fairly new, so please check back periodically for updates.

Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld tubal reversal specialist

Tubal Reversals: Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld - Houston, TX
Telephone: (713) 790-0099 | Toll Free: (866) 790-0095 

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