Site |
1 Custom Header
6 Sectional
6 Photo
placements and 1 Map
Extras: ($600 Value)
1 Main State
BOLD upgrade for a year
1 Additional
State for a Year
2 Categories
for a Year
Note: Additional
Pages $150 each |
$2,000.00 |
Enhanced Site |
Custom Graphics and Logo for Main
8 Custom
Sectional Pages
8 Photo
Placements and 1 Map
Content Changes for 1 Year
Extras: ($1,700 Value)
1 1"
Display Ad for 1 Year
2 Additional
States for 1 Year
4 Categories
for 1 Year
Note: Additional Pages $200 each
$4,000.00 |
Platinum Site |
Custom Graphics and Logo for Main
12 Custom
Sectional Pages
12 Photo
Placements and 1 Map
Content Changes for the first 3 Months
Extras: ($3,300 Value)
1 2"
Display Ad for 1 Year
4 Additional
States for 1 Year
6 Categories
for 1 Year
Note: Additional Pages $300 each
Starting at
$7,000.00 |
Website Changes: Content
Changes $150/hour with $100 minimum | Design Changes
$200/hour with $150 minimum. Rush Fee (48 hour turn-around)
for Content Changes $50 | $100 for Design Changes.
Search Engine
Optimization (SEO): Main Page $250 | Sectionals
$50 (includes up to 20 ALT tags)
Upgraded Website Designs:
From $1,500 to $6,000+ (Website Gallery "CLICK" here
Website Information.
When creating a website, think of the site as a brochure
that you hand out to prospective patients. It should be
colorful, loaded with information and easy-to-read. Just
to mention a couple benefits the internet offers - it
does not cost much more to include more information, plus
visitors click on the pertinent info based on their needs.
Pertinent CONTENT that should be included in your site:
Who We Are
What Services Do We Provide
What Services Do We Specialize and Why
How Much Our Fees Are
What the Patient Can Expect
What Others Think of Us -Testimonials
How to Contact Us - Directions/Maps
We do not recommend features that slow the site down
/distract the viewer:
Scrolling Messages
Rotating and/or Gyrating Images
We also recommend including photos of the facility and
How to Choose a Web Designer
1) Do It Yourself
2) Have a Friend Create It
3) Pay a Large Website Design Firm
Problems with 1-3:
When you do it yourself, you can have all kinds of problems
if you are not proficient in web design and development.
"Doctors wouldn't want us to operate, would they? Web
design, hosting, and updating is a specialized science.
That's what we get paid for." - AnnRose
Friends or family members often offer to do sites for
free or for little money. But keep in mind, that when
you pay nothing, you get nothing. And if you do get
anything it may be months before you see anything close
to loading onto the Net.
Large design firms' prices run the gamut, from $10,000
upto $40,000 for a complicated sites, that often look
great on high-powered, souped up computers, but look terrible
and unreadable on older PCs in homes, schools and libraries.
Besides, many of these websites may not have the warm,
inviting perspective that makes a site user friendly.
Website designs and programming go out of style and sites
should be updated every 2-3 years.
Inc., the exclusive design firm for
all of ClinicPages just may be the answer to your web
design search.
They have been providing website designs to several dozen
health providers and other small to medium-sized companies
and organizations.
The ConsulTel team understands what image needs to portrayed
to the prospective client, how to sort the content and
highlight the more pertinent information, plus use of
"keywords" to increase traffic, and many other features
to make your website highly effective.
Plus, ConsulTel, Inc. can give your practice a whole new
look -- with branding that sets you apart from your competitors.
Remember, all of your printed materials and website design
say a lot about you and your practice.
They tell people that you're organized, professional,
modern, and project an image of confidence.